Our Story

In 2016 Chris AKA the Wood Tamer™ decided to make an oak screen for the family home. The screen turned out great so now he needed a new project. With the leftover timber Chris thought he'd make some salad servers for his wife as a gift. Using some borrowed chisels and rudimentary skills he went searching on youtube for some tips. The salad servers were a hit but by then Chris had discovered green woodworking. Carving green wood proved much more satisfying than trying to work the hardwood of his initial effort. Many more attempts, tutorials, courses and books later and Chris is still hooked.
As Chris learnt more, he found the tools and materials for carving hard to source, many were overseas and there was often a waitlist. One evening sharing a wine with his wife they discussed his frustration. What if we could bring all the tools and resources for spoon carving into one location they thought? And from there Wood Tamer™ was born.
What started as a small idea has grown into the range of products and spoon carving resources you see before you today. We hope that you find this website useful and it enables you to spend more time carving and less time sourcing all the things you need.
We welcome your feedback on our website. Please let us know via our contact form if there is anything you feel could improve it or if there are any products you would like to see added to our collection.
Happy Carving!